Dermaplane Therapy
Dermaplaning is an advanced method of exfoliation using a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling skin cells and vellous hair (peach fuzz).
It results in a smoother, brighter complexion and also triggers skin rejuvenation which can help with pigmentation and acne scarring.
After treatment, the skin will feel extremely smooth like glass and make-up will go on easily and smoothly.

What areas can be treated?
Dermaplaning is only suitable for the face.
Dermaplaning is suitable for all skin types but particularly good for people with drier skin.
It is not suitable for those with cystic acne outbreaks or infections at the site of treatment.
It is also less suitable for ladies with excessive hair growth and a course of laser hair reduction prior to dermaplaning will give the best results.
For men with facial hair, these areas need to be avoided.
How does the treatment work?
Prior to treatment, the skin is cleansed and dried. Physical exfoliation is provided using a 10 gauge scalpel blade.
The skin is held taut and the blade is stroked along the skin at a 45 degree angle in several passes to remove dead skin cells and vellous hair.
The procedure needs to be performed by a properly trained and skilled practitioner and it is essential to remain still whilst having the treatment.
The treatment takes about 30 minutes to perform and can remove three weeks worth of dead skin cells. We recommend allowing the skin to rejuvenate before further treatment.
Treatments on a 4 weekly basis will give optimum results.

Will the hair grow back thicker?
Many ladies are concerned that dermaplaning will lead to the vellous hair growing back thicker and darker.
This is not true, it will grow back at the same rate and texture as before, however by having regular treatments, the regrowth can be kept at bay.
Is it safe and does it hurt?
Dermaplaning is a painless procedure and is often compared to the sensation of shaving your legs.
In the right hands, it is an extremely safe procedure and only the dead skin cells and villous hair is removed revealing healthy skin below.

Are there any side-effects?
No, there really aren’t any side effects and virtually no downtime. As the outer layer of skin is removed, it is essential to continue to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection as the skin will be more sensitive to light.
Your therapist will apply appropriate products after the procedure and will be able to recommend a suitable product for your skin type.
Rarely, there may be some minor skin peeling or redness, particularly if it the skin quality is poor, if it is combined with other treatments or if procedures are performed too close together.
Trauma can occur to the skin as the procedure is performed using a surgical scalpel blade. This is very rare and it is essential to remain calm and still during treatment to minimise this potential complication.
For ladies who suffer with excessive hair growth, the hair will not regrow thicker or darker but may appear prickly or coarse when it regrows and ingrowing hairs may occur.
What can I expect after treatment?
Following treatment, the skin will immediately feel completely smooth and vellous hair that can cake up make-up and appear unsightly in close up pictures is eliminated.
Your skin will be radiant, clarified and have a more even skin tone and texture.
After a dermaplaning procedure, with the removal of the outer layer of dead skin cells, there is greater penetration of skincare products or chemical peels making this procedure ideal prior to other treatments such as chemical peels, laser treatments or photo dynamic therapy.

Aftercare advice
Following your dermaplaning treatment you may experience some redness on the treated areas accompanied by a warm glow.
This will last for several hours but should have settled by the following morning.
Make-up should not be applied for at least 4 hours after your treatment.
DO NOT pick, peel, scrape, scratch or wax your skin.
Avoid abrasive sponges for 1 week after treatment.
Avoid other cosmetic procedures without the specific guidance of your practitioner.
Wash with a very mild soap, rinse with warm water and remember to moisturise regularly following the treatment as you may experience some dryness for a few days.
Avoid sun-exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA and UVB) sun-cream of at least SPF30.
Avoid the use of any creams that are in any way irritating.
Remember – cleanse, moisturise & protect!