Plasma Skin Tightening

​Plasma Therapy is an effective, non-invasive treatment in which the uppermost layer of the skin receives a controlled plasma heat injury using the dedicated Plasma device.
This treatment sends finely guided electrostatic pulses, creating an electrical arc that instantly contracts and tightens the targeted skin area.

What can be Treated?
Areas and concerns, from the face, around the eyes, cheeks, mouth, neck.
Your skin will look tighter immediately, and you will continue to see significant results over the course of several weeks as your skin heals.
How Long does it take?
Depending on your goals, the treatment can take up to 1 hour.
Around 30 minutes is necessary before the procedure for a numbing cream to be applied and take effect.
Does It Hurt?
Some patients experience a heat sensation in the treatment area, equivalent to sunburn discomfort. Scabbing occurs with the healing process and can last an average of five to seven days. Itching is also common as the skin heals.
In order to provide the best service possible to our clients, here is a list of our recommendations, top tips, best practices, and advice to consider in your own personal plasma aftercare regime:
• Over the first few days, plasma crusts will form on the skin. Do not pick these! They will naturally fall off after a few days.
• Keep the plasma crusts moist by applying our Plasma Pen aloe vera gel up to three times a day. This will provide relief from itching and assist the healing process.
• There may be some mild swelling up to 5-days post-treatment. This is completely normal, and usually only very minor.
• You must not cover the treated area with plasters, dressings, make-up or creams until the area is healed, and only use the healing creams provided by your technician.
• Taking Vitamin C supplements during the healing process can give your immune system the big boost it may need to repair.
• Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption in the run up to your treatment, and during the healing process. Try to avoid smoking after the treatment as much as possible.
• Wear SPF 50+ sunscreen and facial creams every single day in the run up to the treatment and after the healing process for up to 12 weeks.
• We recommend you avoid exercising within the first few days after a treatment as the heat, steam or sweat may add to inflammation caused by the treatment.